The kids are doing great. Some are still excelling academically, others have had some challenges. That was expected though. These kids come from tough circumstances, and not just economically. Home and family life can be tough to. We strongly believe that this is their chance to identify themselves by something other than their economic lot in life. They are now 8 kids with every educational opportunity as anyone else. At least in this way, the playing field has been leveled. As they continue to work hard they can and will have a chance at a University education.
Otherwise, the trip was just a blast! It was fun to be in person with our friends in Brazil. To see them and be with them for a week. We also got to take them to a beach house for a day and just play. It wore me out! Soccer, swimming, sand castles, etc... They have as much energy as they do brains!
After being in Maceio we traveled to Rio. It blew my mind! Contrasts at every turn. Beautiful coastline and dramatic mountains. Crashing waves and crazy city streets. The Cristus and the filth of the world. The Botanical Gardens and Maracana stadium. Million dollar homes next to the slums. Contrast...