Monday, May 12, 2008


To my co-workers here for the chance to go over!
To my co-workers in India for being the best hosts ever...and great friends.
To the Taj Palace hotel for treating Mr. Olsen so well.
To Vikas for being the best darn driver in India. Best of luck.
To the many crazy roads for being crazy!
To this fascinating place for teaching me so much about what life is about.



jessica said...

Reading about your adventures in India has been so interesting. Sounds like you had an incredible adventure. Thanks for sharing!

Matt Olsen said...

Thanks Jessica! Glad you have enjoyed the posts. It was an awesome experience for sure!

Deanna said...

I hiked to the Indian Arch at Arches National Park today and thought of you. OK maybe it was called the Navajo Arch and that's the wrong kind of Indian...and I'm probably way politically incorrect by even writing this. but I still like you.

Tina said...

Hey Matt!! Awesome pictures!!! It was really great running into you at cafe rio!! I hope all is going well with you! Take care!!