Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The flame burns on.

The Olympic torch came through India today. And being so close to Tibet, it was a very cool experience. A lot of people have a lot of views on China's occupation of Tibet, and India is no exception. I'm not sure if it was on the news in the US, but there was an "alternative" torch relay held by Tibetan exiles today. Yesterday I saw this on the commute to work.
It was really fascinating to see this global issue come right though my line of sight while on the other side of the world. It really showed me that the world can unite for something. I don't have a lot of knowledge of, or strong feelings about what's going on in Tibet. But I do think it's pretty amazing to see masses around the world rally for the freedom of others. As we all know, that effort can really backfire sometimes.

Before I end this post I want to give a shout out to my hero and my Dad. A former torchbearer himself... Michael Joseph Olsen. Love you Dad.
Running the torch in Orlando, Fl for the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics.


Liliya said...

that probably feels strange to see the world and US from such a different place. I kind of forgot how it feels being in Provo

robyn said...


Erin Hoy said...

So why was your dad able to carry the torch??? That is pretty cool!

Matt Olsen said...

He worked with a company in Florida that had two spots. One of their employees took one, and they offered my Dad the other!

Randi Kay said...

yay dad! my hero!