I got 9 straight hours of sleep last night! That's worth dancing about, but not the reason I used it as the title of this post. Flipping through the channels this morning I stopped on MTV India. Good news and bad news, its about as good as MTV in the US... Sans Lauren and her magical overly dramatic life, of course. They'll get there. The music here is really cool and the video's are hilarious. They consist of pseudo-pop/Hindi dance moves. SO sensual. They love love and sexual tension. Everything is about longing, love, and the fantasy world that only Bollywood can accurately portray. I find myself watching with a grin, always. It's super entertaining. The good news is that they actually show music more than not-music. A lot of the music stars are also Bollywood stars since so many of the movies have music video-esque scenes throughout.

Another very cool thing about MTV India is that they use awesome American phrases amidst the Hindi dialog and commentary. Such phrases include: "Bring the heat,"What the 'F'," and "Put on your dancing shoes." Just the little things that make me think I'm understanding what's going on... Not so much.
India Trip Status Update:
Culturally mind-expanding? Check.
India Trip Status Update:
Culturally mind-expanding? Check.
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